Smart Alerts

As soon as an anomaly is detected, you will receive a notification tailored the way you want it. Delivery vehicles include email, text message, PagerDuty or your own callback.
The system can learn from your expectations and adapt: just tell it if an alert you receive is or isn’t relevant to you. Next time it detects a similar anomaly, it will know whether or not to bother you with it.


alert in plain english

Understandable Alerts

When something goes wrong, you need to fix it as fast as possible, which is why you will receive your alerts instantly. But speed is worthless if you then must waste time understanding the alert. We believe it’s critical that you comprehend problems immediately, which is why your alerts will explain everything using graphics and plain English. We’ll tell you why we believe it’s an anomaly, which metrics were used to detect it, what was noticed in the past, for how long it was noticed, and more. Often, just a quick look at the graphics will be enough to understand the whole problem.

alert integration

Notification Integration

You can receive your alert in many different ways. We provide text message, email, RSS, and mobile push notifications. We also integrate with PagerDuty, which is widely used in the alerting industry. You can also hook to our web service to build your own solution. The notification configuration is as easy as the metrics integration. Simply add a team member with an email address and phone number.

improve detection

Alert Improvement

Sometimes you will receive alerts about anomalies you don’t care about. This might be because of a coincidence, an irrelevant trend or a correlation that doesn’t make sense. When you get a false alert, click the link that says “It is not an anomaly”. The system will learn, and you will not be bothered with this kind of alert anymore. The more feedback you provide about which alerts are important and which are not, the more accurate the alert system will become.

Detect anomalies and monitor your metrics now.

Sign up for Anomaly today.